happy halloween!

Halloween costumes these days just aren’t what they used to be. Anybody agree?! Now kids can go into a store or online and choose from hundreds of expensive, yet cheaply-made costumes. Never once did I (we) go into a store as a kid to choose a costume. Either it was handmade by my talented, seamstress mom or it was thought-up and created ourselves. Here’s a glimpse of what Halloween looked like growing up in the eighties…  Happy Halloween!


pumpkin (& Rainbow Bright!)


pumpkin | year two


scary witch


suuuper scary witch


legit firefighters


devils (& witches!) = halloween




Every time I blog, I wish that I had [more] time to do it. Truth is, I have so much to do on a daily basis that I have no choice but to eliminate something in order to a.) get the other things done.; and b.) keep my sanity. Ugh, priorities. The blog always causes anxiety when I think about what [I think] I want it to be. So much planning, so much dedication, and the pressure to be consistent in order to make it worthwhile. But you know what, screw that. For the last week, I’ve been in Los Angeles attending the Adobe Max (design) conference. And doing one small thing there made me realize that I can’t – and I don’t – want to stop playing. And if part of “playing” means blogging randomly about anything I want, with no pressure, then that is what I will do. 🙂 So, with that, I’m going to blog random art projects or photos or whatever I feel would be fun to share — with no pressure and without making content planning a part time job in itself. After all, all it takes is a blank canvas and some paints, a coloring book, or a big bed to have a little fun…