in our closet.

Anyone else itching to purge your (& your baby’s!) entire wardrobe in order to make room for new, pretty spring pieces!? I literally have stacks of clothes ready to drop off at Goodwill. The warm sun (well, thoughts of it here in Minnesnowta…) and fresh air makes me want to ditch the big sweaters and long down jacket — NOW! Welcome to my life again, pretty white tops, maxi skirts, and sandals! I’ve already had moments of weakness excitement for spring and clicked “buy now” a couple times without looking back. (#onlineshoppingaddict) Here’s a peek at some of the new items in our closets…


finley’s fashion

Just like I do my own closet, there are some mornings I stand in front of Finley’s for a few minutes, staring at her clothes, unable to decide what she should wear for the day. But as I look at her closet, I think, “So many cute options, which one do I pick!?”, while what goes through my head as I look at my own closet is, “I have nothing to wear. I hate my clothes!”. (anyone else have that problem?) Just when I am staying strong and not buying her new [freaking adorable] clothes, a BabyGap email will pop into my inbox, luring me to their website; images of cute little babies wearing cute little clothes. It’s almost like there is a hidden message that brainwashes moms to buy the clothes (there probably is). Never fails. It’s like they know when I haven’t bought anything for awhile (they likely do, actually). And then to top it off, there’s a 30% off coupon. How do I pass that up? I usually don’t. We love BabyGap. All but seven things below are from there…

(Side Note: If you have a free minute, pretty pretty pretty please click on the image to the right ——–> and vote (rate #5!) for my three designs!)

some of our favorites.

some of our favorites.

If you follow me on instagram or are friends with me on facebook, you’ve probably noticed that Finley’s cue ball head is typically displaying a cute headband. A lot of people ask where I get all of them… I have purchased a handful of them from BabyGap (naturally), some of my favorite ones are from various Etsy shops (Ryan+WrenLittle Hip SqueaksHair Accessories by MeganJolie Berry) , and I have also purchased a few from daily sale sites like GroopDealz and Pick-Your-Plum. A little girl can’t have too many hair bald head accessories! My sneaky plan is that she’ll get used to it when she’s this little so that when she’s a little bigger, she doesn’t rip them out! Think it’ll work…? (I know, probably not.)

So, there you have it folks. A little peek into Finley’s fashionable wardrobe. But no post is complete without a few photos of the little lady too… 🙂


fashion friday [maternity edition II]

I’m hoping, like a little kid on Christmas morning, that I get the red Lulu Wunder Unders for my birthday (hint hint, hubby). After this week, I’ve realized I pretty much wear three different pants leggings and they are all in the darkish color range (black, navy blue, jeans, dark grey). I need a little color in my life!! Bring on the red. Don’t get me wrong, I couldn’t be happier wearing leggings every. single. day. BUT, I feel boring. Maybe that’s why I found this shirt at Target oddly cute and actually paid money for it.. Swans aren’t boring! Why am I drawn to this stuff? Cory hasn’t seen it yet, but I can’t wait to hear what he has to say about it…

it’s a swan.

Just like eating anything sweet these days, wearing stretchy pants is addicting and I can’t stop. I just don’t find it necessary to annoy myself all day by wearing something uncomfortable. As long as I keep it creative up top, I think I can get by with this behavior for three more months. What do you think? And it’s not like new shoes ever hurt anybody either (shoes I want, but don’t have… yet).

yay, shoes!

Back to fashions of the upper body — the head. I’m not one to wear my glasses very often but I have this weird obsession with glasses in general. Love them. [I need to get over the fact that I feel like I’m wearing a shield the minute I step out into public with glasses on my face and then will be fine and would probably wear them more often.] In celebration of my 30th birthday and the three month countdown to meeting baby K (it’s very easy to find great+logical reasons to buy myself stuff), I got myself a little gifty-gift. Been wanting SALT frames for a long time now and finally snagged a pair. 🙂

pretty, right?

And, a little looksy at some maternity fashions from the last two weeks. I might as well crop out my legs next time (although I already look legless in a few of these photos!). We all know what’s going with that half of the body (in case you’re confused: you know, the legging obsession). A couple new hairstyles might be on the agenda as well…