happy birthday, baby!

It’s one of those moments in life when my feelings clash… like it was just yesterday that she was born, yet at the same time, it feels like forever ago! I will be saying the same thing on her 25th birthday, no doubt. (omg, I’ll be 55 then!) Regardless, I cannot believe my teeny-tiny-newborn-valentine-baby-girl is one year old today. More posts about my first year of raising a daughter, thoughts on being a mommy to a one year old, along with a first birthday party recap, will happen in the near future, but for now, an infographic in celebration of her big day! Happy Birthday, baby girl!

(Visit my etsy shop (or click on image!) to order your own infographic like this and more!)


153 thoughts on “happy birthday, baby!

  1. As all of the others stated above, I LOVE THIS! My daughter will be 1 on May 19th & would love one of these for her. Can you please email me if you are doing custom orders?

  2. Can you please send me information if you are custom designing these. My daughter will be one on March 20th and I am very interested!

    • I love this! So clever and cute. Do you sell these? If not, could you share how you make this? I would love to have one for my son Charlie.

  3. Love this, Ami! After witnessing your creativity in high school art class, it’s no surprise that your talent has continued to grow!

  4. I love this!! I’m a photographer and do lots of baby’s first years sessions and would love to offer this to my clients. Would you want to work something out??

  5. Pingback: Happy Birthday Baby « Powerful Infographic

  6. I have a little while until my little guy will be one, but I would love one of these. Can you please let me know if you are taking custom orders and if I can purchase one from you?

  7. I’m in love with this!!! My daughter was born February 14, 2012 🙂

    So special!! You are so talented!!! Way to go!!! 🙂


  8. Love this! I would love to order or do something like this if you do custom orders or can tell me how you did it I would greatly appreciate it

  9. I’m joining in to say I would love to have this done for my son who is turning one next month!!! I’d gladly pay you to do it or pay for a tutorial!! So adorable. 🙂

  10. Pingback: infographic love | lifelove+lucy

  11. Hi! I would LOVE for you to make one of these for each month for my baby. She is currently 5 months old and I was documenting everything on a program called paper coterie and a couple weeks ago they closed down! It’s so frustrating after I’ve worked so hard on it. So now, maybe it’s time I let someone else do the work for me. Thank you so much!! siegs02@yahoo.com

  12. hello, my daughter will be one 1 this upcoming May and would love to have one of these made for her. will you please email with price info?? Thanks!

  13. Luv Luv Luv this to the moon and back! Along with your other admirers I would love to have one for my baby girl turning the BIG 1 on April 8th. Please email details PRETTY PLEASE 🙂

  14. Woah, I think you’ve really got something here. So many of us wanting you to make them for us! I hope you decide to do it, you’re so good at it!

  15. Oh geez, this comment is going to get lost in the hundred of comments you’ve got here! But I just want to tell you how amazing and unique this info graph is 🙂 . Clap, clap, thumbs up, and every other “good job” emoji out there!!

  16. I would love this for my son and can definitely provide the photos required. He wont be 1 until May 28th so hopefully you could work with me . This would be great to display at his party and a wonderful keepsake for my wall. Seems like you have some high demand for designs in the coming month so perhaps a May commitment would work. Please email me meganbrandenberger@gmail.com

  17. This is so awesome, my daughter turns one in June and I would love one of these for her. If you do custom let me know. Please!!

  18. This is a fantastic Idea!!!! My daughter turns 1 on April 25th 2014.How can i get this custom ordered…Please advise!!!

  19. I have a Finley too! She’s Finley June and she is 4! I named her after my grandfather and great grandfather! Love this too by the way.

    • Awwww, fun! Don’t hear of to many other Finleys out there! I love the name so much. 🙂 I randomly met a woman (probably in her 30s) on a flight not that long ago whose name was Finley too. I couldn’t believe it! She said she’s never met another Finley in her life..

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